The Best Cash Back Credit Cards

The best credit cards with cashback set them apart from the growing array of credit card options available today. With all the cash credit cards on offer, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you. The best cashback credit card will depend on whether you like rewards that never change and want to maximize your money in the rewards categories for the same. If you focus on one point – focused reward – the decision will depend on the lifestyle and which lifestyle you find more valuable. 

The simplest cashback cards offer a flat rate on all purchases made with the card. Some of these cards also offer purchases at a higher price than the average credit card rate, such as a 5 percent or 10 percent cash back rate.

You can also consider a cashback credit card with a sign-up bonus, which can be very valuable. A sign-up bonus is one of the best you can get for an Ashes return card, but they are not always available on all credit cards. 

American Express Blue Cash

Preferred is the choice if you want a cashback card with more than one type of rewards, such as gift cards, gift cards, or gift stamps. 

This card will give you 1.5% cash back on every purchase you make and comes with an annual fee of $5 for every $500 you spend in the first 3 months. This card costs $1,000 for one year, $2,500 for two years, and $3,200 for three years, but you will be charged annual fees. 

Chase Freedom

Chase Freedom offers 0% APR for 15 months. You can earn a $150 bonus after spending $500 within the first three months of opening the account. You can also earn up to 5% rewards on up to $1,500 in bonus categories. There is no annual fee and Chase Freedom offers built-in protection for unauthorized purchases and has extended warranty protection.

Citi Double Cashback Credit Card

Citi Double Cashback offers 0% APR for 18 months on balance transfers. You are rewarded with 1% for purchases, and for each payment you make, you will also earn 1% back. There is no annual fee and there are no limits on how much you are able to earn. This card is beneficial for those who spend money across several spending categories since there are no restrictions.

Discover It Cash Back Match

Discover It offers 0% APR for the first 14 months and unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of the cashback you’ve earned in the first year. You can earn 5% in most major spending categories and 1% on all other purchases. Your rewards never expire. One of the perks of Discover It is that you can apply your rewards when making purchases at right at the checkout

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