
Mr. Coffee BVMC-PO19B All-in-One Pour Over Coffee Maker @ $42.00

$42.00 $53.81 Buy It Now
$42.00 $53.81 Buy It Now

Make delicious pour over Coffee at home with the Mr. Coffee all in 1 at home pour over coffeemaker, its on screen, step by step guide walks you through the pour over process, so you get the right amount of Coffee and water at the optimal brewing temperature for great tasting pour over Coffee
An integrated auto measure scale automatically calculates the right amount of Coffee and water, so you know just how much to add for the perfect cup of pour over Coffee
The temperature controlled gooseneck kettle heats to the optimal Coffee brewing temperature
C1 style brewer allows water to flow evenly through the coffee grounds to extract the fullest flavor, uses number 2 C1 pointed filters (sold separately)
On screen guide tells you when to pause for blooming, which is soaking of the grounds to extract the fullest flavor (you may even enjoy the flavor of pour over coffee without milk or sugar)
Brews 2, 4, or 6 cups of Coffee, set includes dripper, kettle and scale, enjoy home pour over without buying individual pieces, warming plate not included, as extra heating of pour over coffee may make it bitter

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